Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Pirate's Life for me!

Arrrrrr...well I've returned from a lovely little sail down to the Keys. So I suppose for this past week at least, the answer to that all encompassing question: where are you living these days? is A BOAT! And a lovely boat at that as I must admit I am becoming quite spoiled living on a forty foot catamaran, dripping about the commodious cockpit and napping in the nets as the boat jovially bounces about the waves...I particularly like to lay face down, my face draped over the bow, watching for dolphins-the most important job on the boat if you ask me. I will admit however, it wasn't all sun bathing and dolphin watching-as galley wench for the trip I spent much of my time chopping vegetables, marinating meat and generally up to my elbows in dirty dishes. One afternoon, as I hung off the stern, dangling above crocodile infested waters, sticky from the morning's breakfast of pancakes and syrup, desperately trying to shave my legs I realized with a hint of internal laughter, this isn't so bad, I've got it pretty good right now-dishes and crocodiles included. (In fact, I think the crocodiles made it even better-I'm always up for a good adventure in crocodile infested waters)
15 meals and hundreds of dishes later, I found myself back on dry land and on a mini adventure down to Key West. For those of you who haven't been there-it's a veritable heaven of booze, babes, and boats. As we walked down the street, drinks in hand as it is "legal" there, I was faced with an endless supply of t-shirt shops, strip clubs, and bars. The t-shirts, I have to say, were quite entertaining and I have to give the strip clubs some accolades for their marketing skills. Even the drag queens in Key West are enticing and give you a good chuckle. Don't get me wrong, Key West is steeped in history boasting famous residents such as Hemingway and Jimmy Buffett (two of my personal favorites) While I enjoyed my brief stay in America's southern most point (and not just because I was drunk off of sweet rum drinks for the majority of it) I have to say it is a real shame the it has become such a bastion of tourism and a cesspool of cruise ships and the "things" they deposit.
Well here I am, back in the frigid north, freezing my arse off and trying to remember what it feels like to sweat, something I was doing just two days ago. Sadly I will be sedentary for two whole weeks...which gives me just enough time to do a bit of scheming.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Where are you living these days?

Well, if I could count the number of times I heard that over Thanksgiving break with the family, i'd...well...i'd still be counting. Yes I graduated from college and NO I do not have a job, apartment, permanent address or any serious plans for the near future. Why should I, I ask you, you nosy distant family members, ubiquitous houseguests, and inquiring family friends.
At 23, I've been a few places, seen a few things and met a few people but I am by no means prepared to settle down into a cheap apartment and do the 9 to 5 slog. (As a disclaimer: I also have no problem with this life decision in relation to others-I have many friends who happily and successfully live like this and I will admit it does have advantages) I, on the other hand, was born with itchy feet and an inclination to the indecisive.
Until I was about 17, I was prepared to follow a heavily trodden path-college, instant job, apartment, and a life of sedentary bliss dotted with exquisite week long vacation/adventures (as long as the office can spare me!) As high school ended and extraneous life situations changed, my outlook on reality also altered. I begrudgingly, and slowly, finished college (but I did it!) and now I am faced with that ever present question to us recent college grads...Where are you living these days? It's not, what are you doing? or where are you working? it's where are you living? As if that burning question encompasses it all and sums up exactly what it is that we're doing.
So here's my answer: Nowhere. A boat. I spend a lot of times on airplanes and in airports...? As the Thanksgiving holiday progressed, my confidence in my answer grew stronger. Yes. I am a vagabond and utterly proud of it. I spent August "faffing" about Nantucket working, September driving to Detroit, October flitting back and forth between Maryland, Boston, and Nantucket and then November sailing 800 miles south to Miami. Adventures everywhere.
So as these little adventures come to a close, well, almost, still a bit of faffing about in Miami on a sailboat to be done, I'm realizing the life of a vagabond is one for me. While reality may set in and force me to acquire an income, I'll figure it out. Vagabondage here I come.